Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Welcome to the New Blog Platform

Hello Readers,

My name is Jeff Degginger, and this is Expository Conundrum, a blog for Video Games, Movies, Music and whatever I'm forgetting in between.

If this is your first time, welcome. At the moment I irregularly publish critical posts about the above topics. Hopefully, in the future, I will make a set schedule around posting such content, there's a Death Note series analysis that's been on and off for a while, as well as some other projects I've been wanting to do. So hopefully those all develop nicely.

If this isn't your first time, well, you're probably wondering why you're being linked to a new website. To put it simply there were some early design decisions I made on the WordPress site that made it generally a bit unappealing. Then WordPress went and flipped the paywall switch to make any meaningful changes to the website, so I decided to take flight and land on Blogger. What this means for you as reader is just throwing this bookmark in and deleting the other one. All of the archives from the old site will be moved to this one in time, and maybe with some improvements or edits throw in (talk about a project all in and of itself).

The other thing to note (hey, new readers, you too) is that the Blog has official Twitter and Facebook accounts now. Click on those links to get there and make yourself fresh. That will be the easiest way to ensure you never miss a post, and why would you want to do that?

So stick around if you're new, and some exciting stuff will be posted over the course of the next few days (all old stuff, but still fun and exciting!) and if you're old maybe you haven't seen everything yet, I don't know, there were nearly sixty posts on the old blog when it was all said and done.

Thanks for the support! I'll be back with new content soon(ish).

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